Drive-thru food distribution scheduled for Friday

File photo of volunteers handing out 10-pound bags of potatoes at First United Methodist food pantry.

The next food distribution and senior food box program will be held Friday, June 5, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.,  at First United Methodist Church, 1526 E. Wooster St., Bowling Green.

Free fresh produce and food in limited quantities.  This is for anyone in Wood County who meets the income guidelines or who has recently lost their job.  

SeaGate Food Bank will also be present at the same time to hand out Senior Boxes to those who meet their eligibility requirements.

There will be a drive-thru set up this month to distribute food in accordance with current guidelines to help prevent the spread of viruses.  You are asked to remain in your vehicles in the church parking lot and wait for volunteer instructions.   

Contact the church if you have questions at 419-353-0682.