(Submitted by BG Exchange Club)
A top prize of $1,500 and other cash awards highlight the Exchange Club’s annual Reverse Raffle and Game Night to benefit Bowling Green High School scholarships on Friday, May 3 at the Simpson Garden Park Building.
In the past five years, Exchange Club has awarded $25,000 to 21 students. This year five students each will receive $1,000 towards their college expenses.
“The Exchange Club takes great pride in being able to recognize deserving
students with these awards and we hope to be able to offer these kinds of honors for many years to come,” said Mindy McCarthy, Reverse Raffle co-chair.
The event, which is open to the public, will begin at 6 p.m. at Simpson Garden Park. Tickets, which include dinner, drinks and entertainment, are $75 and can be obtained from any Exchange Club member or online at
Anyone wanting to purchase tickets can also call Matt Karaffa at 419-354-2749 or Clif Boutelle at 419-352-5625.
In addition to the $1,500 top prize, an additional $1,000 will go to winners of various sideboard games that will be part of the evening’s entertainment. Wine Pull winners will have an opportunity to get back into the raffle. Only 150 tickets will be sold and numbers are periodically eliminated until only five names remain. They then will have to make a choice on whether to split the money or continue the drawing until a winner is named. Money will also be given to participants who are eliminated at various places in the draw down.
Also, there will be a silent auction with various gift baskets.
Exchange Club scholarship recipients are not necessarily the top students in the class, nor are they the most active. Rather key criteria include students who have faced and overcome significant challenges during their high school careers. Some of those challenges have included family and friend deaths, family breakups, hearing impairments, physical and health challenges, and severe shyness.
Other criteria are grades (a 3.0 or above), volunteerism, working a part-time job and school activities.