Free NAMI class offered to parents and caregivers

NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness Wood County

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Wood County is a leading self-help organization offering free events, educational classes, support groups, and other programs that address mental health for the Wood County community. NAMI Wood County has a variety of programming throughout the year. This programming is free and available to all Wood County residents.

NAMI Basics is an educational program for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental illnesses. This six-week course covers the fundamentals of caring for your family, your child, and yourself. The course is designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents who are living with a mental illness. The class is taught by trained teachers who are also family caregivers of individuals who developed symptoms of mental illness as children. 

The class, free of charge, begins on Tuesday, April 12, from 5:30- 8 p.m., at the NAMI Wood County Office, Floor 1. Visit to register.

If you are interested in becoming a NAMI Wood County member, visit the website for more details. There are many benefits included in a NAMI Wood County member including discounts on programs and newsletter subscriptions. Membership levels range from $5 to $60.

NAMI Wood County is also continuing their NAMI Connections support group in a hybrid model. Other support groups, like Peer and Family, have resumed to in-person. Visit for more information and to register for their programming. Email or call 419-352-0626 for more information, and be sure to follow NAMI Wood County on social media at @NAMIWoodCounty for additional resources and updates.