Friendship Program matches locals with international students

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BGSU welcomes almost 800 International students to its campus each year. Many are
eager to learn about American family life in addition to their university experience. The
International Friendship Program matches interested students with local families for
informal get-togethers, meals, family functions, outings, etc. There is NO financial or
housing obligation associated with this program.

You may do as much or as little as your schedules and mutual interests suggest. Some
students may only have time to meet with their “family” (which can be a single person,
retired couple, widow or widower, etc.) occasionally while others may enjoy more
frequent contact. Please consider participating in the enriching experience for both
student and family as the need is great. To speak with someone about the program call
Bob Segna at 419-308-1906 or Megan Smith at 419-460-4237. Or, email Bob at


From Bob Segna for the International Friendship Program

(See related story: