Gavarone introduces bill banning synthetic urine

State Senator Theresa Gavarone, R-Bowling Green, today introduced Senate Bill 156, legislation that would prohibit the manufacture, sale or possession of synthetic urine.

Synthetic urine is an increasingly popular substance used by drug users to defeat drug tests, administered by employers, law enforcement or the court system. By cheating a test, workers, particularly those who operate large machinery, can put the safety of the public at risk because of their drug use.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, at least 18 states have enacted legislation to ban the sale, possession or use of synthetic urine, including neighboring states of Indiana and Pennsylvania.

“Working in the transportation, trucking, and manufacturing industries requires attention to detail, critical thinking and strong communication,” said Gavarone. “Drug use severely impairs all of those skills, and with the easy access to synthetic urine, many are choosing to cheat a drug test rather than seeking treatment.”

The bill also prohibits the use of a person’s urine collected before the test or the urine of another person in an attempt to defraud an alcohol, drug, or urine screening.

Senate Bill 156 will be referred to a Senate committee for further consideration.