Getting downtown to go green


BG Independent News


Downtown business owners may soon learn how changing to environmentally green operations can help them keep more of their economic green.

Students studying environment and sustainability at Bowling Green State University are working on a type of “green business certification program.” Such a program, which is already in place in Lucas County and Toledo, recognizes businesses that put together sustainability plans.

Dr. Holly Myers, who specializes in land use and environmental planning at BGSU, is coordinating student efforts to survey downtown Bowling Green businesses on a sustainability grade card. The three principles of sustainability are environment, economics and quality of life.

“It seems like downtown is a good place to start,” she said.

Businesses will be surveyed, and suggestions will be made of how they can operate in a more sustainable manner.

“This is not something to force on them,” Myers stressed.

The green checklist includes topics such as waste reduction, energy conservation and green purchasing. The program will calculate how much can be saved by steps such as changing to LED lightbulbs, billing electronically, or turning off computers at the end of the work day.

“I think they are going to be surprised at how much they can reduce their costs,” Myers said.

The sustainability rating goes far beyond recycling, but Myers said some students are particularly interested in conducting a trash audit of businesses.

“There is very little recycling downtown,” she said.

The sustainability project will also help students understand the complexities of “green” programs, and show that putting recycling bins downtown may not go far to solve trash issues.

Myers is hoping that a type of logo can be created for those businesses which score well on the sustainability surveys, so they can be recognized for their efforts.