Halloween weather will be no treat

Jeff Klein, Emergency Management Agency  director for Wood County, has issued the following advisory:

With Halloween tomorrow, we would like to pass the current weather projections for Thursday and Friday.   By all indications it will be wet, cold and windy for those communities having Trick or Treating Thursday.   Wind gusts will begin about 2pm around 30 MPH from 5pm throughout the evening. We do have a slight chance of our first snow fall around midnight.

What to expect: 

·       Expect possible power outages due to falling tree limbs.

·       Low visibility for pedestrians


·       Secure loose outdoor items

·       If walking, carry flashlights with hi visibility clothing (not all black)

·       Make sure flashlights work and cell phones charged.

The EMA will continue to monitor conditions and provide any updates should the forecast change.  Please notify us should you experience significant damage.