Latest from Wood County EMA: Ohio to track ventilators

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Wood County Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Operation Center’s Situation Report on COVID-19 Response

This March 31 report communicates Wood County Emergency Operations Center’s activity over the past 24 hours.

Executive Summary:

Gov. Mike DeWine stressed that the open stores need to maintain additional hours for vulnerable populations and that they adhere to the health and safety requirements. 

Additionally, an order will be signed today to keep track of the state’s ventilators. Weekly online reporting by any entity in the supply chain creation to end use. This will support the allocation and redistribution of these much needed machines. Also CPAP and BiPAP will be need to be reported. Exemptions – ventilators in your possession for personal use, or in transit across Ohio. 

Reporting site is: This is to be done each Wednesday by 5 p.m. Hospitals need to report daily through the state tracking tool. 

Another order has been signed to ensure water connections do not go interrupted due to non-payment. If water service had previously been disconnected those individuals need to call their provider to have this turned back on at no cost. This does not excuse people from paying their bills.

Lori Criss, the Director of Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, gave some suggestions on how to manage mental health and wellness. She encouraged those in recovery to remain connected with others via differing methods while maintaining distance. She gave the number for the suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted reassured that the capacity of the unemployment system has been increased 20 times on the website, and they have added over 180 employees to the call center. For those of you who have had problems, your voices are being heard,  he said. Your benefits will also be backdated to reflect the true dates regardless of when you get through. The system is working for most – they have handled more people through the system in the last two weeks as they have in total for the last two years. 

For employers and employees: A grace period was enacted on March 20 for employers that can’t pay their premiums. There was also an order for out-of-network care. Insurers must provide the same rates that they would in-network. They are also required to pay for #COVID19 testing.

Dr. Amy Acton said OSU and Battelle have partnered to make the testing faster. Testing is still scarce. Even though there are empty beds in some hospitals right now, this is the calm before the storm. Think as much as you can about essential activities, think about every trip to the store in a strategic manner.

“This virus is faster than any bureaucracy.”

Ohio Cases: 2,199

Ohio Hospitalizations: 585

ICU admissions: 198

Ohio Deaths: 55

Hospital/healthcare worker: 20% of the cases

Wood County Cases: 15

Wood County Hospitalizations: 8

Wood County Deaths: 0

County EOC Objectives:

1. Coordinate the county’s response to limit spread of COVID-19; and maintain medical care.

2. Provide timely, clear, and consistent messaging to the public, stakeholders and media on the status of COVID-19 and actions the public can take to keep themselves safe.

3. Determine how county agencies will continue delivery of essential services to Wood County residents while following COVID-19 public health guidelines.

EMA Actions Taken/Planned Actions:

An abbreviated version of this report can be found at: .

The Wood County Commissioners passed a resolution today 3-31-20 to declare a state of emergency for Wood County. This has been done in an effort to allow the EMA to apply for varying levels of disaster assistance, if available, as it relates to COVID-19.

A spreadsheet was sent out to local healthcare facilities and responders in order to assess their current inventory of PPE. This data assists the EMA with being able to plan accordingly and distribute PPE effectively. If you have not returned this form please email it back as soon as possible so we can continue to process your resource requests.

Also, please contact us if:

– If anyone has access to UVC lights to be used for disinfection

– If any fraternal groups, service groups, faith-based groups want to sign up to be on a call list as needs arise in the county

– If you have PPE to donate, if you have any PPE needs or have any questions.

Thank you to all of those who have donated to us to date. We appreciate your generosity and kindness in working to protect our responders and healthcare workers.

Public Health:

There are 2,199 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio;. 71 counties have been impacted. There are 15 positive cases presently in Wood County, 8 of those hospitalized.

To become part of Wood County Medical Reserve Corps. To learn more, go to . No special skills are required and anyone 18 and older is welcome. We expect an increased need for medical volunteers soon and are especially interested in people who have health care backgrounds and certifications. To save us some time, please fill out the online application at

COVID-19 testing is now being reserved for individuals based on their health. The Ohio Department of Health has created a tier based system for testing guidance.

Following are the tiers:

  • Tier 1 – inpatients at hospitals and other healthcare facilities, including long-term care, with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.
  • Tier 2- Healthcare workers at Tier 1 institutions with symptoms and all individuals in public safety occupations.
  • Tier 3 – Individuals with mild to moderate symptoms who are high risk – elderly, and those with serious medical problems.
  • Tier 4 – Individuals with mild/moderate symptoms and without risk factors for adverse outcomes (testing currently not recommended.)
  • Tier 5 – Asymptomatic individuals (testing currently not recommended.)


Wood County Hospital: For their most recent updates and information on telehealth options please visit:

Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS:

The EMA and health department have been working with local EMS to try to provide them with much needed PPE. Please understand that the demand far outweighs the supply at this time across the entire country. This is why current guidance from the state is focused around conservation. Sharing with your neighbors is being strongly encouraged by the state as a form of mutual aid. Many PPE requests have been submitted and addressed. If you have a need, please put in a formal request in writing to: .

Bowling Green Manor/Care Center:

Instead of mail, send us virtual mail. Our residents would love to see you through “Smile Mail”. Send us pictures of kids doing art, share a message to your loved one, cards, anything to brighten the resident’s day. Email your “Smile Mail” to Please include the facility name and the name of the resident you want to share your mail to.


Please be aware that there are several scams going on right now involving coronavirus information and the stimulus checks. Ohio EMA reported that a scam artist was posing as their agency and asking for Social Security numbers, there have been several different scams involving stimulus checks showing up from invalidated agencies in an attempt to gather bank account information once this check is deposited, and many more phishing attempts. Please be hypervigilant that these things are occurring and protect all of your information.

Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles:

You can do all of the following online at – vehicle registration, sign up to go paperless, check availability of specialty plates, driving records, reinstatement requirement fees, check status of registration, and more.

Administrative Information: 

Any information and contributions your agency has for this report is valuable to maintain a common operating picture and situational awareness for the county as a whole.

Please reach out to our office via phone or email (email preferred) to share information. EOC Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Requesting support: Call Wood County EMA at 419-354-9269 or email

ODH Call line: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)