Local projects get Ohio EPA funding for recycling, litter prevention, market development

Ohio EPA is awarding more than $2.1 million this year in grants to 23 local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations throughout Northwest Ohio to implement recycling, litter prevention, market development, and scrap tire recycling programs. 

Local projects approved for funding include:

  • Bowling Green: $116,638 for playground paving using recycled material.
  • Bowling Green State University: $28,000 for recycling anti-contamination campaign.
  • Ohio Association of Litter Prevention and Recycling Professionals in Wood County: $3,000 for conference sponsorships and assistance.
  • Wood County Solid Waste Management District sponsoring Phoenix Technologies International: $200,000 to purchase a PET flake sorter for sorting colored plastics.
  • Wood Lane Industries: $41,028 to purchase a pickup truck and truck lift.

Local governments and other entities use these grants for litter collection, education programming, and the disposal of scrap tires through amnesty collection events. All local cleanup efforts involve the work of volunteers and take place on public property. Some of these grants tie into a statewide litter campaign, A Little Litter is a Big Problem, announced by Governor Mike DeWine last year to prioritize and promote the conversation around litter in Ohio.