Panel discussion planned on law enforcement policies and practices

Not In Our Town BG is hosting “Community Conversations:  Law Enforcement Policies and Practices,” on Wednesday, June, 24, at 7 pm.  The event is a continuation in a series and will be held online. 

The format of the event is designed to foster understanding and provide meaningful and productive conversation. 

The event will be facilitated by moderators Tonya Rider, Title IX Investigator at BGSU and Phil Stinson, Professor of Criminal Justice at BGSU, and will feature a panel of community leaders who will listen, answer questions, and lead discussion. 

Panel members will include BGPD Chief Tony Hetrick; BGSU Safety Director Mike Campbell; Peaceful Protest Organizer Anthony King; and Peaceful Protest Organizer Atonn Smeltzer.  Opening Remarks will be provided by BG Mayor Mike Aspacher, BGSU President Rodney Rogers and BGSU Provost Joe Whitehead.

Members of the community are encouraged to submit questions they would like to be considered for the panel discussion to the following link.  The link will be open through Monday, June 22:

You can join the event at the following Webex link:

Meeting link:

Meeting number:  120 520 6627

Password:  vJZthJeh946