Road rage reportedly turns into robbery in downtown BG this morning

BG Police Division building

Bowling Green Police Division arrested a man this morning after a road rage incident reportedly turned into a robbery.

Ryan Brown, 45, of Reed Street in Bowling Green, was charged with robbery and taken to the Wood County jail.

Police Chief Tony Hetrick said a woman not familiar with the city was driving on South Main Street this morning around 9. She was reportedly using her cell phone to get directions, when Brown became upset about her driving. Hand gestures started flying back and forth between the two, and the woman pulled over to park in the 100 block of South Main Street, in front of the United Way office.

Brown reportedly turned right onto East Wooster Street, then parked in the city parking lot by Stone’s Throw. Brown reportedly ran back to Main Street and began pounding on the woman’s car window, then opened her car door. 

A minor tussle ensued, the chief said, and the woman dropped her cell phone. Brown reportedly grabbed her phone and ran back to his vehicle.

“She claims he threatened to kill her,” Hetrick said.

A witness to the incident followed Brown to a side street off Thurstin Avenue. Police found Brown at his apartment on Reed Street.

Police found the woman’s phone in an alley, where Brown supposedly dropped it on his way back to his vehicle.