Toxin concentrations in algal bloom have increased


The Microcystis cyanobacteria bloom continues in the western basin of Lake Erie. Recent satellite imagery (8/21) shows the bloom extends from Maumee Bay north along the Michigan coast, past Brest Bay, and alongshore Pointe Mouillee State Game Reserve.

The bloom spreads east along the Ohio coast to the Marblehead Peninsula; and offshore through the Bass Islands, northeast to Point Pelee. Observed conditions (8/19-21) promoted scum formation near Maumee Bay and bloom transport to the Ontario Coast.

Measured toxin concentrations have increased since last week, exceeding the recreational threshold where the bloom is most dense (appearing green from a boat), corresponding with areas of orange and red pixels. Keep pets and yourself out of the water in areas where scum is forming. The persistent cyanobacteria bloom in Sandusky Bay continues. No other blooms are present in Lake Erie. 


Winds (8-18 kn) forecast today through Monday (8/22-26) will promote mixing of surface Microcystis concentrations, and western transport of the dense bloom concentrations near Maumee Bay. -Keeney, Davis 

Additional Resources 

To find a safe place for recreation, visit the Ohio DOH “BeachGuard” site.