Volunteers needed to help with second day of ‘Rock the Block’ neighborhood revitalization and beautification

Volunteers move tarp full of leaves on Meeker Street during first day of Rock the Block.

Bowling Green Save Our Neighborhoods Group (BG SONG) is planning a follow-up to the organization’s first neighborhood revitalization and beautification project that took place on April 6.

Volunteers are being sought for the “Rock the Block” follow-up on May 4.

During the April 6 workday, 65 volunteers worked at 12 sites to assist homeowners with a variety of tasks, like trimming shrubs, raking leaves, washing windows and siding, and repairing fences and door trim.

On May 4, the “Rock the Block” continuation will assist several additional homeowners and return to many of the April project sites to paint the areas prepped last month, and to plant native plants donated by the Wood County Park District. The rain date has been set for May 11.

Anyone interested in helping with the work, loaning tools, or donating funds to the project may sign up at www.bgsong.org/ events and may contact bowlinggreensong@gmail.com or BG SONG President Rose Drain at 419-450-2233 with questions.

Photos and stories about the organization and the April 6 event are available on Instagram at BG Save Our Neighborhoods Group and on Facebook at Rock The Block.