Water service line connections to start in downtown construction area

The contractor working in the Bowling Green downtown area upgrading underground utilities began water service line connection work this week on South Main Street – beginning at the extreme southern end of the project boundary. 

The focus during this phase of the project is to make water service line connections to the various buildings on both sides of South Main Street along with a gravity sewer line installation.  This portion of the project is anticipated to last in to June, working their way north to Wooster Street. 

During this work, the contractor will be working block by block, closing the street to traffic along the way.  Once the contractor has made the necessary water service line connections, the respective building will be issued a water boil advisory.

These street closures are required in order to allow for a complete excavation of the area of the water service lines, which stretch across the length of the street.

Questions about this may be directed to the Engineering Division at 419-354-6227.