Women’s Club of BG plants flowers at welcome sign on north edge of city

The Garden Group of the Women’s Club of Bowling Green met last month at the welcome sign at the north entrance to the city for its annual planting of flowers and plants, and its regular monthly meeting. 

Coleus, snapdragons and impatiens from local greenhouses were used this year in the planter and surrounding beds, organized and provided by Shelly Sabo, with hosta plants provided by Linda Moore and Pat Limes. The Garden Group and members of GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green maintain the plants throughout the summer, providing a colorful welcome to the city for visitors from the north.

At the regular monthly meeting, members answered roll call by telling of their favorite bird. Linda Kuhn and Lynette Rosebrook attended the OAGC Region 1 Spring Meeting and reported the presentation was about bees and the importance of maintaining their environment. Further, BG Garden Group’s Program Booklet, created each year by Kuhn and Rosebrook, was rated at 100% – Superior. 

President Carol Ballard reminded members that the club will be hosting the OAGC Region 1 Fall Meeting, and the OAGC Convention will be held in Findlay on July 12-14. The Holiday Art & Craft raffle basket was discussed.

The next meeting of the Garden Group will be on June 20 at Oak Grove Cemetery with Tim Hammer presenting “A Local Legacy.” Members should bring a lawn chair and a fresh flower.