Wood County EMA update: Addresses of COVID cases to be shared with first responders

Wood County Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Operation Center’s Situation Report on COVID-19 Response

This April 14 report communicates Wood County Emergency Operations Center’s activity over the past 24 hours.

Executive Summary:

Gov. Mike DeWine: Medicaid waiver application filed by the governor – This is a 1135 or appendix K. This provides the needed flexibility to address the crisis: bolster telehealth, waive signature requirements to ensure safe distancing, ease obstacles to access nursing home care, allow services to be provided at alternate locations, remove staffing level requirements. This should allow health care workers to focus on meeting the needs of Ohioans. Once they get the approval it will be retroactively applied from March 1. 

DeWine encouraged businesses and all employers to begin thinking about the new processes they will need to implement when they open back up to protect their employees and the people they serve. Large gatherings of people will be the last box to check off in regards to services coming back. 

Greater Columbus Convention Center has a temporary 1,000-bed hospital ready for use.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted discussed the tools implemented over the last few weeks at the dispute resolution commission. Essential business determinations are made locally normally, but there so far have been 194 inquiries – 142 did not meet criteria and allowed local rulings to stand; 27 remain under review; 15 it was determined that there was a conflict and it got resolved at local level. There were 10 cases where the commission did rule on the side of the business and overturned the local determination (CBD, pet grooming, car washes) coronavirus.ohio.gov under resources tab. 

Office of small business relief: 1,300 businesses helped so far. More information coronavirus.ohio.gov/businesshelp. Most information on the site under FAQ. Husted also called on business owners to put policies in place to protect their employees.

Dr. Amy Acton: 67,000 tests done in the state so far. Risk factors – anyone can have a difficult time fighting off this virus. Certain folks at risk more than others – COPD, asthma, smokers, those exposed to pollution, heart disease, immunocompromised, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease. 

New order issued in partnership with mayors and listening to those at the local levels – the order is that they are going to be sharing more widely (in a confidential manner) the addresses of those listed as COVID positive via dispatch. Dr. Acton asks that at the very least these responders have on a fabric mask during response. She has seen an unprecedented level of partnership between health departments, hospitals, nursing homes.

“This is a war. We have won the first battle, but we can’t stop there.” – Dr. Amy Acton

Ohio Confirmed Cases: 7,153

Ohio Probable Cases: 127

Ohio Total Confirmed plus Probable: 7,280

Ohio Hospitalizations: 2,156

ICU Admissions: 654

Ohio Confirmed COVID Deaths: 309

Ohio Probable COVID Deaths: 15

Wood County Cases (total plus probable): 64

Wood County Hospitalizations: 25

Wood County Deaths: 5

County EOC Objectives:

1. Coordinate the county’s response to limit spread of COVID-19; and maintain medical care.

2. Provide timely, clear, and consistent messaging to the public, stakeholders and media on the status of COVID-19 and actions the public can take to keep themselves safe.

3. Determine how county agencies will continue delivery of essential services to Wood County residents while following COVID-19 public health guidelines.

EMA Actions Taken/Planned Actions:

An abbreviated version of this report can be found at: http://woodcountyema.org/covid-19/ .

We were guests on the Clint Corpe WBGU morning show today and will be on again Thursday. Wood County Emergency Planning Committee met today via teleconference. Board of County Commissioners office held a phone teleconference with Ben Batey from the health department, EMA, the Sheriff, State Representative Ghanbari, State Senator Gavarone, leaders from local political subdivisions, public safety individuals and more.

Also, please contact us if:

– If any fraternal groups, service groups, faith-based groups want to sign up to be on a call list as needs arise in the county

– If you have PPE to donate, if you have any PPE needs or have any questions

Public Health:

There are 7,153 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio. There are 64 cases (total confirmed plus probable) presently in Wood County, 25 of those hospitalized, 5 deaths. 86 counties have confirmed cases now.

Health department staff are answering calls regarding testing, essential business concerns, employee safety, the stay-at-home order and many other questions. Case follow-up and close contact tracing is being coordinated by a team of employees.

Respirator fit testing/training is being done for a few partners who have not had to consider wearing N95s in the past and do not have another source for this.

As the Regional Public Health Coordinator, employees are sharing information across the region and keeping informed of the status of other local health departments.

The Wood County Health Department has received hundreds of complaints of non-essential businesses being open or not following the mandates to keep employees safe. Department employees have followed up on every complaint, said Heath Commissioner Ben Batey at Thursday’s board of health meeting. Environmental Health has been tasked with those complaints, and Director Lana Glore has developed a spreadsheet of the list of all the follow-up that has been done.


If any healthcare facilities are running low on supplies, or have any questions or needs please reach out to us. We are always looking for information on what is going on in your facility so we can anticipate future needs. Please keep in close contact with us with any changes to your supply inventory or situation.

Northwest Ohio hospitals currently have enough capacity to care for COVID-19 patients, according to the Northwest Ohio Healthcare Emergency Management Coalition and the Lucas County Emergency Operations Center. Plans to use the SeaGate Centre as a “relief valve” if needed will continue.

A lead engineer at Dana Incorporated worked with Wood County Hospital to create an acrylic box prototype that will protect staff during the intubation of suspected or positive coronavirus patients. Andrew Borsos collaborated with the hospital’s emergency, respiratory and anesthesiology departments, nursing team, and Drs. Kristen Craig and Shawn Stansbery, according to a news release. The boxes have HEPA filters and rubber armholes that are used by the intubating physician and respiratory therapist. The design of the boxes allows for a more contained but fully functional system that keeps the aerosol and droplets away from healthcare providers, lessening the risk for exposure. Currently, the hospital has four boxes on site for immediate use and six that will be delivered soon.

Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS:

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week is April 12-18. Dispatchers and other public safety telecommunicators serve as a vital link between your community and fire, medical, and law enforcement agencies. Thank you.

The EMA and health department have been working with local EMS to try to provide them with much needed PPE. Please understand that the demand far outweighs the supply at this time across the entire country. This is why current guidance from the state is focused around conservation. 

Sharing with your neighbors is being strongly encouraged by the state as a form of mutual aid. Many PPE requests have been submitted and addressed. If you have a need, please put in a formal request in writing to: woodcountyema@co.wood.oh.us. We will need an inventory from you to process these requests if you have not yet sent this in. We also ask, that as your needs/supplies/run volumes change to let us know.

Wood County Board of Elections:

Please visit the BOE website for instructions on how to fill out an application for your absentee ballot. They ask that you visit the website rather than call. https://www.co.wood.oh.us/BOE/

Wood County Committee on Aging:

Here are the details for the Zoom video chat meeting tomorrow! Please call us at the Wood County Senior Center at 419-353-5661 if you have any questions or need some guidance. We will be giving away a raffle ticket each time that you participate in a Zoom session with us in April towards a gift bag full of goodies. Tomorrow’s Topic: How To Use Kroger Grocery Pickup

Time: April 15 at 2 p.m. Join this Zoom Meeting by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/99446615981. Or download the Zoom App from your App Store on your smartphone or tablet and type in the following information when prompted:

Meeting ID: 994 4661 5981

Password: 098184


Changes include waiving the $45 application fee for undergraduate and graduate applicants and using a holistic approach to the admission decision should fall applicants not be able to obtain electronic copies of transcripts and test scores. GRE and GMAT requirements will also be waived for students applying to any of the university’s graduate certificate and master’s degree programs for summer and fall.


If you’re looking for help with unemployment visit: Unemploymenthelp.ohio.gov

Recycling pick up at the sites every Wednesday if the bins are full the sites are closed.

Drive through food pantry Thursday, April 16, at 1526 E. Wooster St., Bowling Green, at the First United Methodist Church.

Wood County Public Library is having a virtual Coffee Talk book discussion. Join us via Zoom on Wednesday, April 15, at 11 a.m. – for a virtual discussion about what we have been reading. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other readers and find some book recommendations. To register for this online Zoom discussion – email woodref@wcdpl.org and we will send you the video discussion information. 

Wood County District Public Library staff members have started documenting Wood County’s experience during the coronavirus pandemic. “I believe it’s the library’s job to create this resource for the Wood County community and for generations to come,” said local history librarian, Marnie Pratt. Pratt and other staff are in the process of collecting a wide range of material, including news articles, emails, social media posts, photos, artwork and other artifacts. “We would welcome items from our Wood County community,” Pratt said. Especially welcome are journals or other documents created by community members that reflect their personal reactions to the crisis. “If you have items you think would be a good addition to the archive, we’d love to have them,” Pratt said.

State Bank is sponsoring a blood drive on Saturday, May 16, at Dayspring Church from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. That is a large space and allows donors and staff to adhere to social distancing standards.  If you would like to schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: STATEBANKBG or call 1-800-Red-Cross, (800-733-2767).

The Wood County Park Board of Commissioners will have a special meeting on Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is in consideration of new policies pertaining specifically to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting will be a recorded and live-streamed video conference. Ways to access the meeting: parks website at  wcparks.org/about/board-of-commissioners, the Wood County Park District Facebook page, and the “wcparks’ YouTube channel. Ways to provide public comment: the Facebook Page, comments to the YouTube video, and by calling Director Neil Munger’s phone: 419-601-1653

Administrative Information: 

Any information and contributions your agency has for this report is valuable to maintain a common operating picture and situational awareness for the county as a whole.

Please reach out to our office via phone or email (email preferred) to share information. 

EOC Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Requesting support: Call Wood County EMA at 419-354-9269 or email


ODH Call line: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
