BG Independent News
When the 149th Wood County Fair opens its gates to the public Monday at 8 a.m., the barns and buildings will be full, and fair food and entertainment options will be plentiful.
According to Wood County Fair Board President Kyle Culp, 4-H project numbers are up substantially and vendor spaces are completely sold out. Events range from the grandstands-packed demolition derbies and Junior Fair Parade, honoring parade marshals recently retired Chief Deputy Eric Reynolds and his wife Robin, to a variety of family friendly activities and a series of free concerts in the Grove.
“The Wood County Fair has something for everyone to enjoy whether they attend during the week or the weekend, daytime or evenings,” Culp said.

More than 100,000 people are expected to visit and participate in this year’s fair, which runs through Monday, Aug. 8. Admission is $8 for visitors 10 and older (9 and under are free). A week’s pass is $26. The rides will operate Monday through Sunday from noon to 11 p.m. Ride wristbands are $18. Wednesday is Kids Day; the cost of wristbands are $13 from noon to 5 p.m.
New this year is a series of free concerts to fairgoers that will feature two country acts, a ’90s cover band and a Journey tribute band.
“It’s been a few years since we’ve had a big concert at the fair, so we are trying to have a series of concerts featuring local bands.” Culp said.
“We’d like to have a big concert, but they come with a pretty hefty price tag. Typically the fair ends up eating a big chunk of that, so we’re using this as a big test for our 150th fair. We’re really excited to see how this plays out,” he said.

The concerts include The Riverbend Band, a new and classic country music cover band, on Tuesday from 7-10 p.m.; Brent Lowry, a product of Pemberville, whose authentic, outlaw-style music was influenced by Waylon Jennings and Merle Haggard, on Wednesday from 7-10 p.m.; New Frontiers, a Journey tribute band that focuses on recreating the classic sound by playing all of Journey’s memorable hits, on Friday from 8-11 p.m.; and the Skittle Bots, who perform only the best songs released during the “profound decade” between 1990-1999, on Saturday from 8-11 p.m.
Each of these concerts is in the Grove, an area of the fairgrounds that is north of the track and between the goat barn and the train depot.
Two nights of “smash ’em up” demolition derbies round out the last two nights of entertainment in the grandstands on Sunday, Aug. 7, and Monday, Aug. 8. The first night features derbies of combines, minivans, lawn mowers and kids’ power wheels. Admission to the grandstand is $5 and pit passes cost $10. The last night of the fair will feature trucks and cars pitted against one another. Grandstand admission is $10 and pit passes are $15 each.
Additional evening grandstand entertainment includes two nights of harness racing on Tuesday and Wednesday, starting at 5 p.m. both days; 4-wheel drive truck and mini tractor pull on Thursday at 7 p.m. (antique tractor pull starts at noon on Thursday); cheerleading competition at 7 p.m. and a calf scramble and bale-stacking contest on Friday at 7 p.m.

Also for the first time this year are five storytimes for children, Culp said, adding that they were the idea of Fair Board Director Jessica Nagel to offer an additional activity for young families.
The storytimes will be held in the Fine Arts Building at 11 a.m. Monday through Friday.
Throughout the fair, visitors can see junior fair and open class livestock competitions including animals from horses, cattle, sheep and goats to rabbits, poultry and even household critters such as hamsters, gerbils, rats and hedgehogs.
This year the fair is expanding its Pee Wee Showmanship events, which provide pre-4-H age kids an opportunity to show animals. For about 10 years, Ag Credit has sponsored a Pee Wee Swine Showmanship contest, which has become popular and successful, Culp said. This year it will be Tuesday at 6 p.m. in Pratt Pavilion.
The Winning Edge 4-H Club started a Pee Wee Goat Showmanship contest last year. This year it will be Thursday at 9 a.m. outside of the goat barn.
This year, Pee Wee contests for beef cattle and sheep have been added. Wood County Farm Bureau is the sponsor of the Pee Wee Beef Showmanship at 6 p.m. Thursday, and the Pee Wee Sheep Showmanship is at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday in the sheep show arena.

“The Wood County Fair does a great job of focusing on our youth. Of the 25 or so people on the fair board, we all believe that kids are most important in what we do,” Culp said.
The fair board works hard to ensure there are exhibitions, education and entertainment that create a sense of pride in the communities, county and state.
“We are also lucky in the level of support we have from the community, the county commissioners, the local 4-H clubs, FFA chapters, businesses, organizations and law enforcement,” he said. “It really is a fair for the whole community.”
Visit the Wood County Fair website for more information and a complete schedule.