Wood County Health Department continues to offer free COVID vaccines

Troy Township firefighter Jeff Griffith gets COVID vaccine in December.

Wood County Health Department will continue to make vaccine clinics available this summer to anyone who hasn’t yet been vaccinated for COVID-19. Several options will be available on a recurring basis, and other times and locations will be scheduled on a weekly basis.

Since vaccines for COVID-19 have become available, Wood County Health Department has made a strong push to offer widespread opportunities for people to be vaccinated. In the last two months alone, the Health Department has held more than 155 clinic events at nearly 50 different locations across Wood County. Wood County Health Department has administered approximately 35,000 doses since the beginning of the pandemic, including nearly 15,000 over the past two months.

While vaccination opportunities will continue to be available, clinics will be scaled back over summer and continued in a more targeted manner. During the month of July and likely further into the future, regular clinics will be offered in partnership with other organizations. Recurring clinics are planned at the following times and locations:

  • Mondays from 12-6 p.m. at Wood County Health Department, 1840 E. Gypsy Lane Road, Bowling Green.
  • Wednesdays from 4-7 p.m. at the Bowling Green Farmers Market in downtown Bowling Green.
  • Thursdays from 3-8 p.m. at the Perrysburg Farmers Market in downtown Perrysburg.

Please note that Wood County Health Department will be closed on Friday, July 2 and Monday, July 5, and no vaccine clinics will be offered on these days.

Additional events will be added on a rotating basis each week. An updated schedule of vaccine clinics will be released regularly and can always be found at www.Vaccine.WoodCountyHealth.org

All Wood County Health Department vaccine clinics are free, and no appointment is needed. If you would like to make an appointment for a specific time, you can use the ArmorVax app or go to www.ArmorVax.com

Both Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are available at all events. Youth ages 12-17 are eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine with a parent or guardian present.

All of the COVID-19 vaccines have been proven to protect the individuals who receive them from disease, to limit transmission in the community, and to reduce the risk of severe illness. The more people in our community who are vaccinated, the better we can protect ourselves and one another.

The mission of Wood County Health Department is to prevent disease, promote healthy lifestyles and protect the health of everyone in Wood County. Our Community Health Center provides comprehensive medical services for men, women and children. We welcome all patients, including uninsured or underinsured clients, regardless of their ability to pay, and we accept most third-party insurance. For more information, visit www.WoodCountyHealth.org.