Montessori School of BG recognizes alumni in high school class of 2020


Montessori School of Bowling Green is proud to recognize four former students who are graduating high school this year. 

“We are honored to have shared in their educational journey and so very proud of all they have accomplished,” said Bev Bechstein, Executive Director. “They will always be a welcome part of our Montessori community and we eagerly await their next steps!”

Graduating this year are: Thomas Long, Isaac Douglass, Sophia Hachtel, and JJ Poiry.

“The students usually come back to the school at this time of year for a visit, but we obviously could not do that right now. Instead, we reached out to them, and asked them a few questions,” said Kathy Hammond, Advancement Director, “We love the diversity of the answers we received!”




What are your plans after graduation? I’m going to take a GAP year and hopefully travel once things settle down. 
What are you majoring in? Undecided
What is your favorite MSBG memory? The Montessori Quote List.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In college with apartment on my own.
How did MSBG prepare you for your next school level? It gave me a support network of solid friends. 

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What are your plans after graduation? I plan to attend Middlebury College.
What are you majoring in? Middlebury asks that students complete a full year before declaring a major, but I am interested in studying language and history.
What is your favorite MSBG memory? My favorite memory is impossible to choose. Either capture the flag, getting to know the teachers, or my entire 7th grade year
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I’m holding off on setting that vision in stone for another four years.
How did MSBG prepare you for your next school level? MSBG taught me that learning wasn’t limited to curriculum, and if I wanted to know more, that was up to me. MSBG fueled my love of learning that I intend to capitalize on in college. 

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What are your plans after graduation? What are you majoring in? I’ll be attending Miami University, majoring in Studio Art and minoring in Spanish!
What is your favorite MSBG memory?  I loved how tight knit our middle school classes were. We all learned together, even when our areas of interest were different, and the small class size really allowed us to grow together as friends. We also got to work with the teachers to do extracurricular studies and projects which helped us broaden our horizons and explore our options for high school and beyond.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I hope to either have my own studio or be attending graduate school in order to get my masters of fine arts.
How did MSBG prepare you for your next school level? MSBG really helped me understand my own strengths and weaknesses, and gave me the tools to know what learning styles work for me. I utilize the knowledge and experience my teachers and my classmates imparted on me every day.

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What are your plans after graduation?  I am definitely planning on College. With the coronavirus stay home I had college visits I had planned around sports cancelled, so I am undecided on the exact college.
What are you majoring in? I will be major in Engineering. I also plan to either get a dual major or a minor in Business.
What is your favorite MSBG memory? My Favorite MSBG memory is the first day of school- every year. I like summer vacation, but I was always SO excited to get to go back to MSBG.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I plan to be graduating College (Engineering is 5 years) and working hard.
How did MSBG prepare you for your next school level? I was more independent and able to figure more out for myself. I was well prepared and each year since MSBG I have continued to use skills, techniques, and methods I learned at MSBG. I was also very well prepared for the college ethic’s class- THANK YOU MISS MEG!