BG Independent News
Bowling Green recognized a roomful of people who have made life better for others – whether it be families with autism, people seeking fair housing, or a woman who put her all into a small business for four decades.
The council chamber was overflowing Monday evening with people who were being honored for contributing to their community.
Mayor Dick Edwards recognized Barbara Rothrock for her constant dedication to small business in Bowling Green. Rothrock is retiring as owner of the “much loved and respected” Calico Sage and Thyme store.
Rothrock was praised for leading by example, with 40 years of “grit, grin and outright perseverance.”
When called up to the podium, Rothrock continued her push for local businesses. “Small business is important,” she said. “Support the businesses you love.”

Mayor recognizes Autism Awareness Month, with Ian Titus by his side.
Edwards also recognized April as Autism Awareness Month and honored local families who are “living with the realities of autism and who are helping ever so many others deal with autism.”
The mayor called to the podium Mary Murray, a “trailblazer” in the area of autism at Bowling Green State University, and the John Titus family. With his arm around young Ian Titus, who would one day like to be mayor himself, Edwards read a proclamation for autism awareness.
Edwards also recognized Fair Housing Month in Bowling Green, calling up members of the Human Relations Commission.
“Apart from its symbolic value, it is an important reminder about the basic provisions of the Fair Housing Act of 1968,” he said.
Also at Monday’s meeting, city council:
- Learned from Utilities Director Brian O’Connell that plans to sell Bowling Green water to Waterville have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. It is hoped the project can be completed by the end of the year.
- Heard the city’s Bicycle Safety Commission is meeting tonight at 6 with the city engineer to talk about the Complete Streets program.
- Learned from Parks and Recreation Director Kristin Otley that the summer program brochure is now online.
- Otley also reported the first community focus group on the city’s parks and recreation department will be Wednesday at 7 p.m., in the community center.