BGHS ag teacher supports new high school as way to pay it forward to next generation

I am in support of the new high school as a teacher, parent, community member and proud alumna of the Bowling Green City School system.

As a teacher, I’m excited for the new learning opportunities and collaborative spaces that the new high school will provide, most specifically in the agricultural education area. Over the span of my teaching career (18 years and counting), the curriculum and state standards have continually evolved to meet the ever changing technologies and employment needs in the agriculture industry. I can’t wait for the opportunity to teach my students 21st century agriculture in a 21st century space – a space that has been carefully thought out and planned for to evolve and grow with the industry while also keeping the rich traditions of Bowling Green Agricultural Education and FFA alive and well.

As a parent and BGCS alumna, I’m excited for my own kids and other kids to experience the love and support of the community members that I had growing up in BG. My time in BGCS as a student is why I chose to return and live in this community.

A new building will only enhance the educational experience these students are receiving at the high school – a learning space that inspires innovative teaching, showcasing pride in our school, attracting and retaining the best teachers and providing a school experience where they want to return to BG with their future families someday.

And as a community member, I recognize it is our responsibility to pay it forward to the next generation. I educate my students not only about the agricultural industry but how to be future employees, leaders and citizens. In order to succeed at that, you leave the community better than when you came. The time is now for us, as the community of Bowling Green, to show our kids that they and their education are a top priority. Vote Yes!

Stephanie Conway

BGCS Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA Advisor