Water & sewer work to close sections of Dunbridge Road
Section of Dunbridge Road to be close daily this week for sewer work
Serious concerns raised over proliferation of Ohio data centers
Mercer Road closed for sewer work
BG Council initiates eminent domain efforts for frontage along South Main Street Improvement Project
Section of Mercer Road closed Monday
Wood County to get $328,000 in CDBG funding to help with ADA sidewalks and sewer systems
BG’s budget for 2025 is strong, but pressure on city’s capital improvement fund keeps increasing
Roundabout for new data center north of BG nearly ready for motorists to take a spin
BG city leaders told now is the time to go green when designing infrastructure projects
Water & Sewer district tees up largest project in its history
Section of Buttonwood Avenue to be closed for replacement of sewer lateral
East Gypsy Lane Road closed at South Main Street today through Thursday
BG Council asked to consider going more green on future infrastructure projects