BG to pick up real Christmas trees after holidays, starting on Jan. 6
BG residents encouraged to recycle pumpkins at city’s yard waste drop off area
BG garbage and recycling collection schedule delayed due to Labor Day
Bates Recycling to celebrate expansion
BG Boom to benefit from expanded can collection
City offices closed for Juneteenth holiday; recycling and trash collection schedule changed
Electronics recycling event set for Saturday in Elmwood Community Center parking lot
City offices closed on Memorial Day; trash and recycling collection delayed during week
Sizer is a natural fit for job as sustainability coordinator for Bowling Green
Aluminum can recycling at Bates to raise money for BG fireworks
BG schools will collect used solar eclipse glasses for recycling
Community electronics recycling drive set for April 6
Trash and recycling collections delayed due to city’s observance of Presidents’ Day
BG to pick up real Christmas trees for recycling starting on Jan. 2