Community Center having air conditioning problems

Bowling Green Community Center

The Bowling Green Community Center has been dealing with air conditioning issues for the past week or so.  There was a major breakdown in three out of the four cooling circuits in the chillers, the equipment that is used to provide cooling to the entire building. 

When it gets extremely hot and humid out it is hard for the system to keep up. So the city has been running certain areas 24 hours a day to try to cool parts of the building down overnight while also trying not to put extra stress on the one remaining circuit that is working.

These are very specialized units and there are only a handful of companies in Northwest Ohio that work on them.  One company has been to the Community Center to diagnose the issues and provide us with an estimate of what it would cost to fix.

The city plans to have the system repaired as soon as possible, and thanks those using the community center for their patience.