County Commissioner LaHote elected to CORSA board of directors

Craig LaHote

(Submitted by Wood County Commissioners Office)

The County Risk Sharing Authority announces that Wood County Commissioner Craig LaHote has been selected to serve on the CORSA board of directors. He was elected to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner John Love, who retired as of Dec. 31, 2018.

“CORSA has long been a leader in providing comprehensive property and liability coverage as well as high-quality risk management services that save county dollars,” LaHote said. “Wood County is proud to be a member, and I’m looking forward to serving on the board.”

Commissioners from CORSA member counties are eligible to serve on the board and are elected by the board and the membership at the annual meeting held in August. Board members may serve four consecutive, two-year terms.

“I am excited to welcome Commissioner LaHote to the board. His willingness to share his expertise with CORSA will further our vision of being the leader in providing Ohio counties with exceptional value, service and protection of assets,” said CORSA Managing Director John Brownlee.

CORSA, established in 1987 by the County Commissioners Association of Ohio as a service program, is a self-insured property and liability pool for county government. Currently, 66 of the 88 counties are members.