Downtown BG springs to life with flowers

Wolf's delivers flowers to downtown


What a beautiful day to plant flowers, The morning was sunny and cool and the flowers were delivered this morning by Wolf’s Blooms and Berries coordinated by Sue Wolf and her staff. Over 1000 colorful healthy plants grown especially for Downtown Bowling Green by her organization and they started arranging and planting the plants early this morning.

Karen and Hobie Johnson planting.

We could not have done it without the help of the University Women of Bowling Green State University Garden Club and the GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green Garden Club. These women, some who are master gardeners, have volunteered for this annual planting day for many years. They also tend to the pots throughout the season, trimming and dead heading the expired blooms. Tom Striggow has also volunteered a lot of time to make today a success. We also had other volunteers show up today to make downtown Bowling Green a more beautiful place,

Tony Vetter, Director of Downtown Bowling Green S.I.D and the Downtown Foundation states “We are so grateful for our volunteers and the donations from the community that support our efforts to make our downtown a pleasure to enjoy”

The hanging baskets will be delivered and hung on Thursday to complete the planting project. Be sure to take a stroll through the Downtown and enjoy the view.