Former SBX site still in limbo (updated)

Corner of East Wooster Street and Manville Avenue, with electric division on the right side of photo - in city's Gateway District.


Attorney Robert Maurer believes there could be a new tenant in the former SBX Bookstore site within 90 days.

Maurer, who handled some legal matters for Hamblin Investments, the Florida-based company that owns the property. Two Hamblins, Kenneth, the principal in the investment firm, and his sister-in-law Claudia, who also lives out of state, actually control separate parts of the property.

Maurer said that though SBX closed in March 2016, it continued to pay on its five-year lease. After Kent Kokomoor closed SBX and he opened up Elite Collegiate Apparel in Greenwood Centre.

That lease has expired, so now the property will be available to new tenants, he said.

The paper covering the windows has been removed and work has begun in the building. That includes building a partition between what are two separate storefronts.

As of now there’s nothing imminent, said Sue Clark, of Bowling Green Development Foundation.

Realtor Al Green, said since the former SBX property is still being leased and rent being paid, the owners had no incentive to find new tenants. Green is handling the leasing of the building. Having two owners involved has complicated efforts to find someone to rent the site, Green said. 

The building at 530 E. Wooster on the corner of Manville, across from the Bowling Green State University campus occupies a key location in an area the city hopes to develop. On Monday, City Council discussed the possibility of an upscale housing on property owned by the city directly across East Wooster. That project would serve as a catalyst for other development.

BGSU has also been buying properties along the south side of East Wooster directly across from campus. No plans have been announced for what the university’s intentions are other than to remove what it sees as eyesores.