Fostoria’s trEats delivers new service to BG

From left, Ed Wonder, Eric Lefkowitz, and Brandon Moran,


BG Independent News

Ed Wonder of Fostoria has experienced life without a driver’s license. He remembers how difficult it was to get around to get what he needed. His diet was pretty much pizza.

So he knew there was a demand for the service he and his brother Brandon Moran are now offering.

They launched their delivery service on Jan. 1 offering safe rides homes for New Year’s Eve celebrants. TrEats delivery service had arrived.

The business can bring in take-out food, or groceries to cook at home. They can deliver auto parts or home repair supplies. They can even pick up most prescriptions if all that’s required is a date of birth. 

“If you think you want it delivered, we’ll deliver it,” Wonder said.

They will pay for whatever they’re picking up, and then collect the money, plus a delivery fee, when it’s dropped off to the customer.

That worked so well in Fostoria, that at the suggestion of their friend Eric Lefkowitz, they extended the service to Bowling Green. And it’s taken off here as well.

As in Fostoria food is the most popular item for delivery. TrEats is doing the delivery for Thai Pad and for Southside Six, Deliveries from those establishments are a set $3, otherwise, the fees are based on the cost of the order.

Customers just have to contact the service by telephone, either voice or text, 419-601-9142 in Bowling Green or by a direct message on Facebook at trEatsBG.

Wonder brings his experience and connections running a pizza shop in Fostoria. He brought Moran on to drive.

“He and I literally know everybody,” Wonder said. “Nine out of 10 customers we know who they are and where they live.”

Those connections extend to their drivers. They do their best to make sure when they’re on call, they will have some business.  “We want to see that everyone’s taken care of,” Moran said.

Drivers keep a share of the delivery fee as well as tips. In Fostoria the company has five drivers, including Moran and Wonder, and in Bowling Green there’s already eight, plus a couple backups.

Unlike working as a delivery driver for an eatery where they just sit around waiting for a call, driving for trEats, allows drivers to get other things done in their down time.

In Fostoria the service also serves as a cab. When the guy who provided taxi service in the city retired, he handed out their cards to promote their service.

Lefkowitz said that part of the service is less called for in Bowling Green, which already has ride options.

Moran said the numbers initially in Bowling Green have been strong, and the comments compare trEats favorably to national firms.  “It’s just a matter of time before people find out about it.”