Grand Rapids man argues that Trump is not above the law

 I think it would be advisable for me to purchase some dragon software and fix my computer because these cell letters are as grammatically correct as Trump’s Tweets. My spelling errors on my last letter were even worse! Perhaps with these millions trickling into my accounts thanks to this Great American President I can go back to college and fix the problem with my illiteracy and sink into greater debt! Maybe Farmer Johnson can help me with his bail out money! 

 Anyway, let me get straight to the point of my letter. So here we are on a one way track to impeachment and people still don’t get it. They still think that it’s okay to throw the rule of law to the wayside and defecate all over the Constitution by allowing the current occupant of the W.H. to break whatever law he wants, when he wants to, as long as they have the right to be delusional and insult their neighbors! Tons of threats, antagonizing remarks, racial slurs, and flat out violence; for example 

  1. “We’ll fix you liberals” “You’ll see!” “All you Liberals want to do is destroy America, and let the ( N words, Muslims, and S words!) mess up our cities”  

2) “What are you complaining about,the jobs are coming back!” ” All you people want to do,is live off my tax money”! 

3) “President Trump is fighting for the common man,why don’t you just play along and you’ll see!” 

Everyone of these statements is absolutely false,and is not backed up by a shred of proof. It’s what my philosophy professor used to call “beliefs” based on ignorance. The less intelligent you are,the more inclined you are to believe things that are absolutely untrue and ridiculous. The foolish man has to degrade and threaten those around him, antagonize and bully his peers, and shout down his perceived rivals, because let’s face it. It’s unmanly to be kind in a world that’s full of crap! The only way to gain respect,is violence! This is the world of the Trump Supporter!  

There are many problems with this life philosophy,other than the fact that it’s wrong. It alienates people,so if your looking for unity amongst Americans,good luck! 

One thing is for damn sure. Bill Clinton was impeached for having an affair and lying about it! Trump has broken the law all of his life, and now acts as if it does not apply to him, and now we’re supposed to say what, it’s okay to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue as long as we believe we’re all getting rich or as some genius on CNN said, “It depends on who he shoots!” Just an FYI, It’s illegal to shoot people indiscriminately,or kill people just because you don’t like them! It’s called “Murder”!  

My Final words are simple. The Rule of Law is everything. There is no such thing as Obama Judges, Bush Judges, Dem or Republican judges! When you take the oath as a Judge, it’s to the U.S. Constitution and to the law! If you as a judge, use the lens of partisan politics to enforce laws, or determine the Constitutionality of such laws on that basis ,get off the bench!! Word. 

Once more let me make this clear. This is the “United States Of America. Liberals, Democrats, Republicans, all are Americans!” You don’t get to decide who’s an American by putting on what amounts to a Klan outfit,and threatening your neighbors! I do believe that most people are good, which is why we must be rid of Trump!! “Civil Wars” and “Racist Policies” don’t accomplish anything!! Drain the Swamp, remove the monster, and we can fix this! Reelecting a foul mouthed criminal is not the answer. Trump broke the law. I read the Mueller Report,I Read the transcript! The media does not tell me how to think, I certainly don’t need Trump’s worshippers to tell me either. 

Ray Gomez  

Grand Rapids,Ohio