Grand Rapids resident writes: After midterm elections our nation is still in peril

In March of 1861,President Abraham Lincoln desperately implored the people the Southern states of our country not to go to war against the rest of our nation. He told them that their brethren in the North were not their enemies and asked them to allow the ” Better Angels Of Human nature to win out over their anger, and their desire to engage in insurrection against their own country. The South chose not to listen as we all know, and even today in 2022,we are still dealing with a lot of the same issues, that tore our nation apart. 

For my part, I have tried to be a voice of reason, and I have restrained my anger even when faced with family, friends, and neighbors, trying to antagonize into anger. I for one am beyond tired of my life being interfered with, and made unnecessarily harder to live, because of overly ambitious demagogues, who only choose careers in public service, as a means of obtaining power for themselves and to inflict suffering and death, on people they don’t like! That is what The Maga Republican Cult is all about. There is nothing good that they offer to anyone in this country, unless of course you’re a delusional, hate fueled, ignorant narcissist of a person, who only cares for yourself and cares very little for the rest of the country!

Just a day before the Midterm Elections, I received a text from my cousin in NJ, and in that text she spoke of voting for JD Vance, and retaking our country. Needless to say, that when I replied to her to not only cease trying to tell me who to vote for, but to stop trying to convince me to support MAGA, she flew into a rage and stopped speaking to me. This is just how close to home the current divisiveness in our country is to me, and after this past election, I fear it will only get worse.

Just to put things in perspective, my cousin is LGBTQ and is presently married to her longtime girlfriend, a fact that would not be possible if her Party she so vehemently supports, should accomplish one of their goals of returning to power over all three branches of our Govt! Fascism I told her, and spreading propaganda to family members on behalf of fascists, is no joke!

I am extremely saddened and disappointed, that a state that I love so much has become so disillusioned and angry that they keep voting people into office that are not only not capable of doing a good job, but are also spreading misinformation and inciting violence, in the name of a vicious tyrant!  I do not look forward to a future of fascism unlike them, I accept what the will of the people is in our great state, and I certainly will not be telling my family and friends to run down to Columbus, and bludgeon Mike DeWine’s wife with a hammer, because I think the election was stolen from Nan Whaley, nor would I make a joke about it! 

It looks to me by the results of the midterms, that our country is still in terrible peril, and the very fact that the results are so split amongst both parties, and our Congress is soon to become even more deadlocked then it already is, is a sign of just how bad things are in our nation! 

The only thing I can do, is continue to desperately try to go on with my life, and keep praying for the day that I can return to the business of living and not worry about a bunch of angry people continually trying to get me to argue with them about politics! My argument is my vote and as I told my cousin, I will tell my dissatisfied neighbors, my vote is my right and is none of your business!! 

Raymond J Gomez 

Grand Rapids