Hateful signs, bumper stickers, flags cut off the cross-aisle conversations we need to have

Today wasn’t the first time I’ve had to explain to my avid reader of a child why someone felt the need to plaster the back of their truck with obscenities directed at the president. She doesn’t understand why people feel the need to be so mean, and honestly neither do I. And each time this happens, I feel a little less hopeful for my country.

I don’t know how we can build the community we need in order to move forward when so many are happy to share their hatred for anyone who doesn’t think exactly like them. I don’t know how we are supposed to start productive cross-aisle conversations about things that matter to all of us, like roads and schools, with people we know have made hateful bumper stickers- or signs, or flags- a part of their identity for the world to see. These people have shut down any discussion before it’s even started.

Normally I’d want to end with some helpful suggestion, but I can’t think of one right now. I want to teach my kid to live by the golden rule and be kind to others, just like my parents taught me. It would just be nice if others were willing to meet us halfway. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

Steve Ammidown

Bowling Green