Kuhlman is composed & fair-minded in his personal as well as his professional life

There’s a lot of talk at the national level regarding the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice. Locally, we have some pretty important judge placements as well, particularly for Judge of Wood County Common Pleas Court. One prospective judge in the running is my former brother-in-law Joel Kuhlman.

Professionally, Joel Kuhlman is exactly the person that we need in a judge – fair, objective, and wise. He served Wood County in various roles including county commissioner, city council, and as an attorney for over 12 years. In those roles he kept the community and the law at the forefront of all of his decisions.

Personally, Joel and his family are very important to me. As we all experienced in some capacity, 2020 threw us numerous unexpected and harsh curve balls, including for me, a divorce.  Even though that process was emotional for all involved, Joel remained respectful and fair. As you know or can imagine, divorce often tears families apart. Yet, that was not the case for the Kuhlmans. Emotions didn’t affect the way Joel treated me; he continued to be a brother to me.

If Joel can remain that composed and fair-minded in his personal life, there’s no doubt that he has the testament required of a judge. Joel Kuhlman is the best candidate for Wood County Common Pleas Court Judge.

Jessica Molina
