Kuhlman took time to mentor young attorney

I have known the Kuhlman family for several years and for the past three years have worked alongside Joel Kuhlman as an attorney in his office. As a younger attorney, I often seek the counsel and opinion of Joel and the other skilled attorneys in my office. Despite Joel having his own cases and being a busy husband and father of three, he has always offered his guidance and advice when sought. This has been a tremendous help to me as I grow in my profession.

More importantly, Joel values my opinion and the opinion of others. He is quick to appreciate all viewpoints and brings an openness to all discussions. He is willing to change his mind when an argument is based upon sound reasoning and treats everyone with dignity and respect. These are values and characteristics that I believe a good judge should possess.

I urge you to vote for my colleague Joel Kuhlman for Common Pleas Court Judge. 

Lisa Davis Rothenbuhler
