League of Women Voters celebrating 100th anniversary of its founding & women’s suffrage

The League of Women Voters was founded almost 100 years ago on February 14, 1920, about six months before the 19th amendment was ratified giving every adult citizen the right to vote.  For 72 years before that, many folks worked tirelessly to secure universal suffrage.

We believe the passage of the 19th amendment and the founding of the League are both worth celebrating…and we are going to celebrate for a whole year!  You’ll see us in our “Votes for Women” sashes at various events in Bowling Green and throughout Ohio.  There will be many special events.

But don’t just “see” us, join us!  This would be a great time to join the League and help us fight for good government and fair and equal participation by all, just as we have for 100 years.  Both women and men are welcome.  See our Website: www.lwvbg.com and become a participant in good government.

Lee Hakel


Bowling Green League of Women Voters