Non-profits encouraged to apply for BG Community Foundation grants

The Hometown Heroes Banner Program was one of the projects supported in 2024 by the Bowling Green Community Foundation.

Projects with connection to 250th anniversary of Declaration of Independence sought in addition to traditional requests


The Bowling Green Community Foundation invites non-profit organizations in the 43402 and 43403 zip codes, and public and private school educators in the BG school district to apply for grants ranging from $500 to $7,500 for programs that enhance the health, welfare, and vitality of life of the Bowling Green community.

With the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and a significant nationwide celebration quickly approaching, applications that have an educational tie-in or celebratory aspect are especially encouraged, as well as more traditional projects.

 It is anticipated that many organizations may wish to have activities that will be kicked off in 2025 leading into the Semiquincentennial year of 2026. These activities could include concerts, lectures, art, theatre, special programming, etc. The national launch of the 250th anniversary recently occurred.

Applications are also encouraged for new or innovative programs but need to be affiliated with or sponsored through a 501(c)(3) organization.

Applications must be received by Oct. 4, 2024.

The 2024 grant application form, as well as information about the grant process, may be found on the BGCF website:

Since 1997 the Bowling Green Community Foundation has awarded 428 grants totaling more than $714,783.00 to organizations that provide innovative and diverse programs and helpful services to the community, along with numerous scholarships and other awards. Among the projects funded this past year, BGCF launched the Hometown Heroes Banner project honoring veterans and currently enlisted members of the military. 

Tax-free contributions and the golf outing fundraising provide the sole support of the Foundation’s mission.