Norm Geer provides firm & steady leadership on the Board of Education

According to news reports in the past months, more than a few school boards across the nation—even in Ohio—are in turmoil due to over-the-top protests about curricular and health issues in public education. However, this has not been the case in Bowling Green; by comparison, its school board has been the calm in the midst of that storm of negativity and hostility made worse by the Covid pandemic.

Much of the credit for this belongs to members of the BG School Board like Norm Geer, the current school board president who is seeking re-election on Nov.  2.  A product of Bowling Green schools as well as a graduate of Miami University and Cornell University’s College of Law, he has practiced law here for 50 years, establishing a reputation for personal commitment to his clients and professional competence in resolving their problems with sound judgment.

This same set of skills he has applied to his four-years of service on the BG school board by listening respectfully to fellow citizens and reasonably meeting their concerns before reaching a majority decision. This was evident during his current term with the board’s actions—without a tax increase–to improve the physical facilities by the air–conditioning of classrooms at three schools and by making available the High School stadium to all student teams (girls’’ as well as boys’) that play field sports like soccer.  

At the top of Norm’s agenda for continuing to enhance instructional outcomes of the current system remains, of course, his advocacy of early childhood education as the key to increasing substantially the readiness of future pupils for kindergarten that promises long-term as well as short-term success for them as well as the community.

Accordingly, to keep his already proven firm and steady leadership to the benefit of the district’s children and constituents, we endorse the election of Norm Geer again to the Bowling Green of Education.

Jean and Larry Daly

Bowling Green