Ohio Green Party calls for immediate repeal of House Bill 6


The Ohio Green Party joins the growing chorus of organizations calling for an immediate repeal of HB6. The alleged corruption charges leveled against House Speaker Householder and other prominent Republicans are proof of what was abundantly clear from the beginning.

HB6 was a corrupt, corporate bailout that should never have happened. 

Joseph DeMare, Political Director of the Ohio Green Party, had this to say, “Fundamentally, HB6 was one of the worst energy bills ever passed. Eliminating funding for wind and solar, while adding charges to Ohioans’ electric bills for nuclear and coal power is insane in this time of global warming. The only reason it happened was because of the corrupting influence First Energy has on the Ohio Legislature. Even if it turns out not a single law was broken, this is still pure corruption and BOTH Republicans and Democrats should be ashamed of their part in passing it.” 

HB6 was almost universally opposed by Ohioans. At the public hearings, more than 90% of testimony was in opposition. Almost the only ones testifying in favor were those who directly stood to benefit from its passage.

The Ohio Green Party immediately calls upon the Ohio State Legislature and Governor DeWine to immediately repeal this corrupt law.” 
Nathan Lane, Chair of the Ohio Green Party, had this to add, “This corruption shows how important it is that the Ohio Green Party wins its appeal to have its Minor Party Status restored.

This bill could not have passed without Democrat support. When political power is absolute, corruption is inevitable.” The Ohio Green Party is currently appealing a federal court ruling that declared it cannot have its Party status restored, even though its petition drive was stopped by the Covid crisis.