Passing senior levy will strengthen fabric of community

I am writing to encourage everyone to support the forthcoming levy that provides so many vital services and programs for seniors in Wood County. 

These services include – but are not limited to – meals service at eight senior centers and meal deliveries for those who are homebound; transportation for older adults to medical appointments; and many other vital health and wellness services, such as health screenings, home repairs, safety checks, and individual caregiver support. 

In fact, a brief consultation of any of the monthly Wood County Committee on Aging newsletters reveals an astonishing number of quality events, services, enrichment activities, health and safety initiatives, educational opportunities, and more for seniors in our county.

Despite the importance of providing services for our seniors, however, supporting older adults doesn’t just help those individuals, it also strengthens the fabric of our community.

When we support our seniors, we share the burden of providing care for those among us who are vulnerable. When we support our seniors, we support families who rely on the help those seniors provide for their children and grandchildren. When we support our seniors we sustain the many organizations, events, and initiatives that rely upon our seniors’ generous contributions of their time, energy, skills and experience.

We are indeed fortunate that the Wood County Committee on Aging provides us with such a clear example of how supporting some among us helps everyone thrive.

This November won’t you please vote Yes for our Seniors and for our community.

Alice Calderonello

Bowling Green