Phipps ‘has a forward-thinking, passionate, & thoughtful approach to leading’

I am writing to support Rachel Phipps in her campaign for reelection to city council.

Rachel worked closely with me and the other Historic Preservation Commission members to successfully implement the historic preservation ordinance for Bowling Green. Her dedication to the review, editing, and evaluation of the ordinance was one of the main reasons it was successful. Her commitment to Bowling Green was evident in the time and energy she put into crafting edits of the ordinance. The support we received shows she has pride in our community and its history.

Additionally, Rachel has worked diligently to organize, fundraise, and establish the new Parklet Project downtown. She worked with business owners, the community, and the volunteers to successfully implement three parklets in our downtown, so far. I have had the pleasure of volunteering on the parklet committee and see Rachel’s passion for our town and community stakeholders firsthand.

Rachel has a forward-thinking, passionate, and thoughtful approach to leading. She has strong principals and cares greatly about serving Bowling Green. Rachel is dedicated to the progress of our town – advocating for a community which is inclusive, ambitious, supportive, and full of possibility.

I look forward to seeing what Rachel will accomplish in her next term as third ward city council member.

Chris Mowen

Bowling Green