Salvation Army is collecting coats for ‘Warm the Family’ program

Do you have some extra coats in your closet that you could donate? They could be used by adults and children in Wood County to stay warm this winter. 

The Salvation Army of Wood County is hosting its “Warm the Family” program by collecting new and gently used coats for families and children in need.

For its 40th year, Long’s Sanitary Cleaners will once again be the “Warm the Family” sponsor and will dry clean all gently used coats. Donations are needed for both female and male, all ages, and all sizes.

Donated gently used coats can be dropped off at the following locations:

  • Longs Sanitary Cleaners, 345 N. Maple St., Bowling Green
  • Sanitary Cleaners Inc., 225 Golden Gate Plaza, Maumee

Donate your gently used coats as soon as possible. Early donations will help children and adults stay warm earlier in the fall season, though donations can be made through Nov. 15.

Any business, church or organization that would like to donate new coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, should contact Earlene Kilpatrick, Salvation Army volunteer, at 419-601-0976.

Coats will be available to qualified applicants early fall, and at The Salvation Army’s annual Thanksgiving and Christmas distributions. For more information on receiving a coat or to learn more about the Salvation Army, contact the Bowling Green Service Center at 419-352-5918.