Speweik’s commitment to issue of domestic violence shows why he should be a judge

October is domestic violence awareness month – a cause that plays a major role in my life. After my daughter, Alicia Castillon, was murdered in a domestic violence incident, I created Alicia’s Voice, an organization to support victims of domestic violence. I first met Corey Speweik when he joined the board of Alicia’s Voice. At the time, he was the domestic violence prosecutor for the City of Perrysburg. I was immediately impressed with his commitment to our cause and his dedication as a prosecutor.

Since then I have worked with Corey on Alicia’s Voice Matters and in other matters. I am convinced that he is the best candidate for Judge of Wood County. He has broad experience as a prosecutor – he was the first prosecutor in Perrysburg to ever convict a domestic violence offender at a jury trial. He also cares about victims. I have personally observed Corey work with victims and have seen his level of commitment to them.

Finally, I have come to know Corey’s dedication to the law. Watching him work, I know that he is tough, but fair. He carefully analyzes facts and applies the law, not his opinions. Please join me in supporting Corey Speweik for Wood County Common Pleas Court Judge.

Kathy Newlove

Bowling Green