Tracy Hovest’s values reflect those of BG

I have known Tracy Hovest for 20 years, meeting as students at BGSU, teaching as colleagues over the years, and remaining friends through all the ups and downs of life. From all that I know about Tracy, I believe she is absolutely the best candidate for the Bowling Green City Schools Board of Education, and you will be glad to have her there for you, the students, and the community. 

The school board exists to make sure schools reflect the values, beliefs, and priorities of the community. Tracy has been teaching for 20 years. Among her peers, she is known as a collaborator, someone who shares new ideas and listens to perspectives of others. Tracy is quick to share resources with other teachers, myself included. She understands the needs, challenges, and successes encountered by students, teachers, administrators, and parents because she is in the classroom every day. She recognizes a strong school system makes a stronger community. 

But she doesn’t stop her lessons there; Tracy is always working for the greater good. For example, she led a drive with colleagues to create “Blessing Bags” for women and children in homeless shelters and victims of domestic violence, and she has worked at neighborhood clean ups. Tracy has always given her time and energy to others because it’s the right thing to do. As a community member in Bowling Green, she has been admirable in her outreach to local businesses and the community. For example, with a little inspiration from a friend’s Facebook post, Tracy started the recent “Cash Mobs” to support local businesses affected by downtown construction. She serves the BG community by volunteering for CYO, assisting a Girl Scout Troop, and attending events that contribute to student success, such as sporting events, fundraisers, and performances. Tracy shows her true heart as she is serving others and working for positive causes.

Community is the very foundation of a school district. As the local community flourishes and supports schools, students see the worth of their education reflected in that success and go on to become new consumers, neighbors, entrepreneurs and partners in the community. The two always go together. 

Tracy is committed to Bowling Green, and her educational expertise and experience will make her an asset to the Bowling Green City Schools Board of Education. A vote for Tracy Hovest is a vote for Bowling Green children, community, and schools.

Julie Sells
