Vigil for Atlanta shooting victims tonight at BGSU

The Asian Student Union at Bowling Green State University will hold a vigil tonight (March 30) at 8 p.m. for the eight people who died in the recent mass shooting on Atlanta,

The vigil will be held on the student union oval.

According to the announcement: “We will be holding space for the victims of the Atlanta shooting as well as space for the Asian community to mourn and process their emotions in response to the racially motivated shooting and heightened attacks on our community. There will be an open mic for Asian/Asian Americans to voice their grievances and feelings. We are asking the BG and BGSU community to come stand in solidarity with us, and show their support in the fight against anti-Asian violence and xenophobia.”

The vigil will also be live streamed for this unable to attend. The meeting ID: 871 5579 5550 and 
Passcode: 396521.