Wood County agencies to host Erin’s Law speaker for two sessions on Sept. 20

 Erin Merryn, the driving force behind Erin’s Law, will share her story and talk about protecting Wood County youth from sexual abuse in two sessions on Sept. 20.

Erin’s Law is the legislation that requires school districts, charter schools and science, technology, engineering and math schools to provide annual developmentally appropriate instruction in child sexual abuse prevention for students in kindergarten through sixth grades.

The Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services, The Cocoon, Wood County Prevention Education and Children’s Resource are partnering to bring Merryn to speak at the Wood County Educational Service Center, 1867 Research Dr., Bowling Green.

From 1-3 p.m., she will talk with Wood County school and mental health professionals, followed by a school implementation discussion from 3-4 p.m. CEUs for the session are pending.

A session for community members is scheduled from 5-7 p.m., also at Wood County ESC. The first 50 attendees will receive a free copy of Merryn’s book.

Registration for the afternoon session with school and mental health professionals is available here.  To register for the 5-7 p.m. community session, click here.