Wood County EMA update: Back to business will not be back to normal

Wood County Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Operation Center’s Situation Report on COVID-19 Response

This April 17 report communicates Wood County Emergency Operations Center’s activity over the past 24 hours.

Executive Summary:

Gov. Mike DeWine – In regard to business once we open up, what we hope to see is distancing, 6 feet is the norm, people working will likely be wearing masks, barriers where barriers are appropriate, surfaces sanitized frequently, employees wearing gloves, hand sanitizer, staggered arrivals for employees, staggered lunches, checking temperatures, working from home if able. 

Testing – we will see testing evolve. Some things do not change, we need to assume everyone we meet is carrying the virus. Many individuals may be carrying the virus and are asymptomatic. To restart- public health measures and compliance, business operating safely, protecting the most vulnerable. 

Today DeWine is granting 7 commutations to prisoners, and denying 84. The state has been getting hundreds of requests, many of these requests are from people that are imprisoned for very serious crimes.

Lt. Governor Husted – We want to make sure that when we can open back up that is clear to business owners, employees, and customers what their roles and responsibilities are. We will have the most thoughtful restart we can possibly have. We do want to find the balance between lives and livelihoods. We have a great team working on this.

Dr. Amy Acton – 693 new cases in the last 24 hours. As testing becomes more extensive, numbers will go up. Thanked everyone for the Spirit of Columbus award she won today. Each decision we make going forward has to be made with the best science. We have to inch our way forward. This is a phased approach.

“We have a road to travel. This is unprecedented.”- Dr. Acton

Ohio Confirmed Cases: 8,858

Ohio Probable Cases: 249

Ohio Total Confirmed plus Probable: 9,107

Ohio Hospitalizations: 2,424

ICU Admissions: 740

Ohio Confirmed COVID Deaths: 401

Ohio Probable COVID Deaths: 17

Wood County Cases (total plus probable): 77

Wood County Hospitalizations: 32

Wood County Deaths: 9

Wood County Long Term Care Cases: 30

County EOC Objectives:

1. Coordinate the county’s response to limit spread of COVID-19; and maintain medical care.

2. Provide timely, clear, and consistent messaging to the public, stakeholders and media on the status of COVID-19 and actions the public can take to keep themselves safe.

3. Determine how county agencies will continue delivery of essential services to Wood County residents while following COVID-19 public health guidelines.

EMA Actions Taken/Planned Actions:

An abbreviated version of this report can be found at: http://woodcountyema.org/covid-19/ .

Thank you to the citizens who have answered the call for help. Just today, we called someone who had previously donated homemade masks and within a few hours more were on our desk. This county is incredible. Thank you.

Also, please contact us if you have PPE to donate, if you have any PPE needs or have any questions. Please note: the EMA is not able to provide the general public with PPE or homemade masks. These items are prioritized for responders, healthcare workers, and the like. The EMA is following state directives on allocation tiers for this PPE. Thank you for your understanding. 

Individuals looking for masks will need to make their own or locate these through their own contacts and resources.

EMA and public health have been reaching out to areas of concern and identified “hotspots” in the county to ensure their PPE supply is adequate to meet the needs of the situation. We continue to accept, inventory, and fulfill PPE resource requests.

Public Health:

There are 8,858 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio. There are 77 cases (total confirmed plus probable) presently in Wood County, 32 of those hospitalized, 9 deaths. 87 counties have confirmed cases now.

Health department staff are answering calls regarding testing, essential business concerns, employee safety, the stay-at-home order and many other questions. Case follow-up and close contact tracing is being coordinated by a team of employees.

Wood County residents who feel they may have coronavirus are encouraged to complete a survey that will help local public health better track the illness. The survey, a partnership with Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, Fulton County Health Department and the University of Toledo, is meant to create a better understanding of COVID-19 in Northwest Ohio. Wood County residents are asked to report coronavirus symptoms at  https://tinyurl.com/WoodCountyCOVID19. 

“Because our testing capacity is still limited, we’re not able to confirm coronavirus in everyone who thinks they may have it. This is a way for us to and get a better picture of how COVID-19 is currently impacting our communities,” said Wood County Health Commissioner Ben Batey.


If any healthcare facilities are running low on supplies, or have any questions or needs please reach out to us. We are always looking for information on what is going on in your facility so we can anticipate future needs. Please keep in close contact with us with any changes to your supply inventory or situation.

Wood County Hospital: For the most up to date information please visit: https://www.woodcountyhospital.org/patients-visitors/covid-19-coronavirus-information-updates/most-recent-updates/?fbclid=IwAR2P1YZrHJ_JwMQP6sCAJ6dUfTWrd0eMbnD01IO6YoFopOioirHJDVuiF3o

Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS:

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week is April 12-18. Your hardworking dispatchers and other public safety telecommunicators serve as a vital link between your community and fire, medical, and law enforcement agencies. Thank you.

The EMA and health department have been working with local EMS to try to provide them with much needed PPE. Please understand that the demand far outweighs the supply at this time across the entire country. This is why current guidance from the state is focused around conservation. Sharing with your neighbors is being strongly encouraged by the state as a form of mutual aid. Many PPE requests have been submitted and addressed. If you have a need, please put in a formal request in writing to: woodcountyema@co.wood.oh.us . We will need an inventory from you to process these requests if you have not yet sent this in. We also ask, that as your needs/supplies/run volumes change to let us know.

Scammers are trying to monopolize on the fear and uncertainty that COVID-19 has brought to so many. Consumers who suspect an unfair or deceptive sales practice should contact the office of the Attorney General at  OhioProtects.org or 1-800-282-0515.

Wood County Health Department is implementing a new procedure for testing symptomatic first responders or their immediate household family members through UTMC. Requests for testing must be sent by the Chief to FRCovid19@co.wood.oh.us and include the following information:

1. Name of first responder or immediate household contact

2. Place(s) where they work

3. DOB

4. Address

5. Phone number of first responder


Wood County Museum:

Has two exhibits online for a virtual tour experience:  A Clean Bill of Health: Societal Response to Disease (hand-washing and social distancing of the last hundred years) and Utopia: A Visual Storytelling of Our Home (a tribute to the Wood County Bicentennial).

Wood County Board of Elections:

Please visit the BOE website for instructions on how to fill out an application for your absentee ballot. They ask that you visit the website rather than call. https://www.co.wood.oh.us/BOE/


They are expanding the delivery area for the Starship robots. As of 4/20/20 the new delivery area will be able to be utilized. Please visit: https://new.bgsudining.com/starship-bgsu for more information.


State Bank is sponsoring a blood drive on Saturday, May 16, at Dayspring Church from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. That is a large space and allows donors and staff to adhere to social distancing standards.  If you would like to schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: STATEBANKBG or call 1-800-Red-Cross, (800-733-2767).

This spring, NAMI Wood County is planning an event called PreBurn, a virtual 5K where participants can walk or run their race over the whole span of the event or at once in their own communities while continuing to practice social distancing.  The event will be held Saturday, May 16, until Sunday, June 7. Registration will be open starting April 21 through May 15. Prices include $35 for race registration and T-shirt or $20 for registration only. Please follow NAMI Wood County on all social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Spotify searching by writing @NAMIWoodCounty. Also, visit our website www.namiwoodcounty.org or call 419-352-0626 for more information. Be sure you go the “social” distance this spring.

For the first time in the BG News’ 100-year history, printing has been suspended because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But Falcon Media, which includes the BG News, BG24 TV, WBGU-FM and Bowling Green Radio Sports Organization, continues to serve the community, bringing audiences the information they need to stay healthy and connected during these unusual times.

Administrative Information: 

Any information and contributions your agency has for this report is valuable to maintain a common operating picture and situational awareness for the county as a whole.

Please reach out to our office via phone or email (email preferred) to share information. 

EOC Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Requesting support: Call Wood County EMA at 419-354-9269 or email


ODH Call line: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
