Wood County EMA: Update on COVID-19 response

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Wood County Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Operation Center’s Situation Report on COVID-19 Response for May 27

Ohio Confirmed Cases: 31,191

Ohio Probable Cases: 2,248

Ohio Total Confirmed plus Probable: 33,439

Ohio Hospitalizations: 5,700

ICU Admissions: 1,492

Ohio Confirmed COVID Deaths: 1,842

Ohio Probable COVID Deaths: 202

*For daily state hospitalization data please visit: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/dashboards/key-metrics/hospitalizations/key-metrics-on-hospitalizations scroll to the bottom, find the date you are looking for and hover your mouse over that bar.

Wood County Cases (total plus probable): 282

Wood County Hospitalizations: 65

Wood County Long Term Care Cases: 198

Wood County Deaths: 45

County EOC Objectives:

1. Coordinate the county’s response to limit spread of COVID-19; and maintain medical care.

2. Provide timely, clear, and consistent messaging to the public, stakeholders and media on the status of COVID-19 and actions the public can take to keep themselves safe.

3. Determine how county agencies will continue delivery of essential services to Wood County residents while following COVID-19 public health guidelines.

4. Prevent, identify, mitigate, and respond to COVID19 hotspots within the county.


State EMA – One additional potential hot spot was identified by ODH during the period’s Clinical Zone calls; a Butler County outbreak has been linked to off-campus gatherings at Miami University of Oxford. The State EOC continues to provide mission support to five previously identified areas of concern. The first half of this week’s statewide PPE push was completed. The second half is scheduled for May 27. Use of the Ohio National Guard donation warehouse has been extended through June 5. A storage strategy continues to be developed as current warehouse capacity is near full.

K-12 School Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Toolkit: The Ohio Emergency Management Agency, in cooperation with the Ohio School Safety Center within Ohio Homeland Security, has developed the K-12 School Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise Toolkit. This toolkit was adapted from material provided by Cuyahoga County’s ReadyEx initiative. This free exercise resource is designed to help primary and secondary school staff, first responders, and other partners prepare for strong winds and tornadic events.

An abbreviated version of this report can be found at: http://woodcountyema.org/covid-19/ .

Also, please contact us if:

– If you have PPE to donate, if you have any PPE needs or have any questions.

– If you know citizens looking to purchase masks, please connect them with our office and we can give them the contact information of local mask sellers.

Businesses looking for large suppliers of cloth masks can contact Skyrocket/BiG Fab Labs at 419-466-0668 or kevin@skyrocketbox.com .

Ohio Emergency PPE Maker’s Exchange is an available online resource to share and purchase personal protective equipment created through the ingenuity of Ohio manufacturers who have answered the call to help. https://repurposingproject.sharetribe.com/

Public Health:

There are 31.191 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio. There are 282 cases (total confirmed plus probable) presently in Wood County, 65 of those are or have been hospitalized, 198 in long term care, 45 deaths.

Health department staff are answering calls regarding testing, essential business concerns, employee safety, the stay-at-home order and many other questions.

Case follow-up and contact tracing is being coordinated by a team of employees.

Wood County residents who feel they may have coronavirus are encouraged to complete a survey that will help local public health better track the illness. Wood County residents are asked to report coronavirus symptoms at https://tinyurl.com/WoodCountyCOVID19 .


For formal resource requests, please contact us at: woodcountyema@co.wood.oh.us .

If an agency doesn’t have fit test capability and they need staff fit tested, Wood County Hospital Ready Works does fit testing for N95 masks.  The cost is $25/person. They need to bring their own mask, schedule in advance 419-373-4162, complete a questionnaire, and takes about 15 minutes per person.

Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS:

In response to the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus, the National Volunteer Fire Council has established this webpage to provide links to information and resources from various federal agencies and other sources that are relevant to emergency responders. We will update this page periodically as we become aware of new resources and information related to EMS or other emergency responders. https://www.nvfc.org/coronavirus-19-information-and-resources-for-ems/?fbclid=IwAR2ZzPJ0jzpEX_6RfYccTP7zzyk4QWdwIKry3UIxTCeTRhkc81UMJvLUscc

Wood County Parks:

Wood County Park District parks and preserves are open daily from 8 a.m. until 30 minutes past sunset. Observe social distancing of 6-10 feet from anyone who does not live in a household. Restrooms are open. Park-goers are asked to wear a mask inside the restroom.

Through June 22, playgrounds and facilities are closed, programs and events are canceled, and park district headquarters are closed to the public.

Due to public safety concerns regarding large gatherings in public spaces, the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Department is canceling all remaining scheduled volunteer sessions for Simpson Garden Park. However, Simpson Garden Park is still looking for individuals or small groups of volunteers (three or less) who would be able to work in areas of the park with little to no supervision through the summer and fall.  Garden volunteers who are interested can email Mike Przysiecki, Simpson Garden Park On-Site Manager, at  mprzysi@bgohio.org  for more information on scheduling a time to volunteer. 

Wood County Fair:

The Fairgrounds will have fair food available on the grounds. The hours will be 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Northwestern Water and Sewer District:

In response to safety guidance issued by the Ohio Department of Health, The Northwestern Water and Sewer District’s Board of Trustees meeting, scheduled for Thursday, May 28, at 7:30 a.m., will take place via teleconference call.  Members of the public can listen in by following these instructions:  Webinar: On Thursday, May 28 at 7:30 a.m., join webinar by clicking this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87684696892?pwd=SEVRYVZmRGNVc20xU3lPN0NsOXRtUT09 Password: 664391 Phone only: On Thursday, May 28 at 7:30 a.m., use your phone to dial: 1-301-715 -8592 When prompted, use ID: 876 8469 6892 and Password: 664391. Note that the public access is watch/listen-only.  Comments can be emailed to publicinfo@nwwsd.org during and after the meeting.


Now publishing a situation report once/week.

The College of Education and Human Development and the Office of Pre-College Programs are teaming up to offer  two-week online academic enrichment camps in reading, science and math for students in grades 3 through 8 .


Northwood: Reverse parade Thursday, May 28, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. This is a drive through parade, parents and students will be in cars and teachers will be spaced out on the sidewalks. This is to provide a socially distanced way to close the school year. Free breakfast and lunch for kids 18 and under, Monday and Wednesday June 1-July 31. Drive thru pick up only service. Northwood High School, 600 Lemoyne Road, Northwood, Brentwood Shelter House, 300 Brentwood Drive Northwood. No need to RSVP.


All Wood County Committee on Aging senior center locations — Perrysburg, Rossford, Walbridge, Grand Rapids, Pemberville, Wayne, North Baltimore and the Wood County Senior Center in Bowling Green — will remain closed to the general public through June 30.

Bowling Green Residents wishing to dispose of items too large for refuse containers may begin calling on Tuesday to schedule a pickup. The program, which allows for a collection year-round by appointment as opposed to having to wait for specific times of the year, had been temporarily suspended as the city responded to coronavirus. As part of the program, residents may schedule up to two large item collections (up to five items per collection) at no additional charge per year (some restrictions apply). An example of the five-item limitation would be a typical kitchen table with four chairs – this would be considered one item. Thereafter the following fees apply: $25 for the first item, $15 per item thereafter. Residents simply need to call Public Works at 419-354-6227 to schedule a date (typically a Monday or Friday) to have the item(s) curbside no later than 7 a.m. Because of additional fees and restrictions at the Wood County Landfill, mattresses will still require additional payment (maximum of three mattresses). Those needing to pay for mattresses or items beyond the allowance must submit payment (by mail or drop box) before being added to the collection calendar. Refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, tires, chemicals, solvents, fuels and liquid paint will not be picked up by City refuse crews. The city’s Recycle Coach app provides proper disposal options for these items. Also, the city is not authorized to pick up building materials, construction or demolition refuse, sod, or rocks. These items may be taken to the Wood County Landfill for a fee.

WIC office is open daily in Bowling Green and will be continuing curbside service through the month of June. Infants and children do not need to be present. Call us from your car and we will assist you to get certified for benefits or load your current benefits onto your WIC card. You don’t need to leave your car. For more information call us at 419-354-9661.

BGSU and Food for Thought Mobile Pantry Thursday, May 28, from 2-4 p.m., 1526 E. Wooster St., Bowling Green (First United Methodist parking lot). While the pantry cannot serve food on campus and is not accepting volunteers right now, we want to continue to serve anyone in need by holding a drive-thru mobile food pantry. The Center for Public Impact, along with community partners Food for Thought of Toledo, United Way Wood County, First United Methodist, and the BGSU Student Nutrition Association have co-sponsored this mobile pantry. Despite being a drive-thru pantry, if a car is not accessible to you, you can still walk through the pantry, we will just maintain appropriate social distance from you in addition to the other safety precautions we will already be taking. Read below for details or contact publicimpact@bgsu.edu for questions.

  • Open to any student, staff, faculty or community members 
  • No requirements except wanting free healthy food 
  • You will drive up to the food pantry/trailer (lining up behind other cars). Then, a volunteer will check you in and explain the process of shopping the pantry. You will stay in your car and a volunteer will ask which food options you would like. When your bags are packed, a volunteer will place the bags in your car and you can exit.
  • Please do not arrive more than 30 minutes early(volunteers will be packing the food) 
  • Can’t make it to this pantry? Call 2-1-1 or visit  bit.ly/39d5KOs  to get connected to additional resources.

The Red Cross wanted to reach out to everyone and make you aware of locations in our community that are available for donations.  The dates are in the same window for donations if you were signed up for a drive here at WCBDD.  To schedule an appointment at one of these sites please visit redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: GOODSHEPHERD or call 1-800-Red-Cross, (733-2767).  The drives are as follows:

  • Tuesday, June 9, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., BGSU – Perry Field House (free parking) To schedule an appointment visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter sponsor code BGSU or call 1-800- Red Cross.
  • Saturday, June 13, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Church of the Good Shepherd, 5589 Holcomb Road, Wayne.

Administrative Information: 

Any information and contributions your agency has for this report is valuable to maintain a common operating picture and situational awareness for the county as a whole.

Please reach out to our office via phone or email (email preferred) to share information. 

EOC Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Requesting support: Call Wood County EMA at 419-354-9269 or email


ODH Call line: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
