Wood Lane names employer of the month

(Submitted by Community Employment Services)

Community Employment Services (CES) of wli recently named Poggemeyer Design Group of Bowling Green as their Employer of the Month. Poggemeyer Design Group has partnered with CES since January of 1992. Currently they employ an individual as a custodial worker. This individual is responsible for janitorial duties, restocking paper, delivering company mail, maintaining the parking lot, recycling and taking care of the company fish. Poggemeyer Design Group have been long time advocates for employing individuals with disabilities. They were one of the first employers, in the county who realized the value of a diverse work force.

The employees and supervisors at Pogemyer Design Group have played a supportive role for this individual served by CES. We appreciate their dedication in becoming a community placement employer.

Since 1985, Community Employment Services has assisted the business community to meet their staffing and diversity needs by offering a pool of qualified and competent workers with disabilities. Community Employment Services is a division of wli.