University Choral Society has openings for new voices

Mark Bunce sings as Mark Munson conducts the Introit in the vestibule of First United Methodist Church during a rehearsal of the University Choral Society in April, 2019.

The College of Musical Arts at Bowling Green State University will hold open auditions for the 2019-20 season of the University Choral Society. Highlights of the season will include performances of Benjamin Britten’s “Ceremony of Carols,” Carl Orff’s “Carmina Burana,” and Franz Joseph Haydn’s “Paukenmesse.”

For audition information, contact Mark Munson at

The ensemble will perform “Ceremony of Carols” as part of its annual Joyous Sounds program, also featuring the BGSU Graduate Brass Quintet, at the First United Methodist Church on Dec. 3.

“Carmina Burana” will be performed with the Toledo Symphony Orchestra at Toledo’s Peristyle on Feb. 14 and 15.

Finally, the “Paukenmesse” will be presented on campus on May 3 with the BGSU Philharmonia Orchestra.

The chorus rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 until 9:30 at the College of Musical Arts, with the first rehearsal scheduled for Aug. 27. Membership consists of BGSU students and community members from the greater Bowling Green area.

Mark Munson, Director of Choral Activities at BGSU, serves as director of the University Choral Society. During his tenure at BGSU he has also led the Collegiate Chorale, A Cappella Choir and University Women’s Chorus. He is a past president of the Ohio Choral Directors Association and most recently of the Central Region of the American Choral Directors Association.