Ryan Myers wants the same success for all children as he wants for his own

This letter is written to explain why I feel Ryan Myers is the best candidate for the BG School Board. 

Ryan will bring vision, passion, expertise, and dedication to our schools. I know that he wants every child in our community to have the same support and success that he wants for his own children. 

I have had the pleasure of knowing Ryan for several years. He has selflessly given of his time to kids in our community as a baseball and basketball coach for many years. This is one area where I have personally witnessed his ability to positively influence the lives of our youth.

Ryan’s platform is simple and direct. He does not come with an agenda, but rather a promise to listen to the needs of our school personnel, parents, and the students within the our school district. 

 I strongly urge voters to keep Ryan Myers on the Board of Education.

Paula Hoiles 

Bowling Green