BG blessed to have 11 parks, 393 acres of park land, Community Center, Veterans Building

“What wonderful memories! The BG Parks are awesome! BG is lucky to have a great park system.”

Expressions such as these have been and continue to be a common theme and thread for persons young and old alike and whether from persons returning to BG for a visit or from residents who are deeply rooted in the community.

Recently our youngest daughter, now a resident with her family in Carmel, IN, and her best friend from their “growing up” years in BG, now of Lincoln Park, Chicago, were in town for the Black Swamp Arts Festival.

While the Festival was the primary reason for the reunion, considerable time was spent “down memory lane” visiting school and former home sites. The strongest emotional outpouring centered on the BG parks, namely the Nature Center and adjoining trails, the City Pool and City Park and the Simpson Garden Park.

While we often take our community “blessings” for granted, the recent family/friend visit was another powerful reminder how fortunate we are as residents to live in a community with 11 parks, 393 acres of park land, the BG Community Center and the new Veterans Building. There is a park within 1.5 miles of every resident in the city. That’s impressive!

Please join with us in voting for the BG Parks Levy on the November 2nd ballot and remember: “Great Parks, Great Community!”

Dick and Nadine Edwards

Bowling Green